1-877-99-CBOTS cbots@cbots.com

Debit and Credit Cards

Debit Cards

Enjoy convenient purchasing power by using a CBOTS Debit Card. With a debit card, you can

  • Pay for purchases at places that have agreed to accept VISA debit cards including catalog and telephone purchases
  • Withdraw cash from your checking account or savings account


Credit Cards**  (Visa, Visa Gold, Mastercard, Mastercard Gold)

Credit cards can be a great convenience for large purchases, traveling or unforeseen emergencies. With the ability to make affordable payments each month and paying over time, customers can avoid the financial strain of unexpected expenses. In addition to the convenience of readily available credit, using a CBOTS credit card also provides the following benefits, as well:

Travel Accident Insurance

Additional Visa Gold Benefits

Additional Gold MasterCard Benefits


 **For well qualified applicants